Almost 8 out of 10 people search the web to find services - buy gadgets, clothes, find doctors, find restaurants, order food and almost everything you can imagine ...
Internet opened up a big box full of services and your business has to be in that box otherwise you miss 8 out 10 of your potential customers.
It is almost a crime for you business, if you do not have a web presence.
Only 2 in 10 still use dusty, thick, paper directory books - like Yellow Pages.
8 out 10 search the BIG 3 to get information. Big 3 search engines are the dominant names on the search market:
- Bing
- Yahoo
Combined, BIG 3 represent more than 95% of the search market.
ASK and AOL completes the picture with other 4-5%. Stats from comScore proved it.
Who uses Google? Bing? Yahoo?
The answer is everyone relies on Search Engines more and more each and every day and Internet gets into our life from all the angels.
Our PC is connected to the Internet, our smart phones and tablets are too and even the old TV has a smart set-top box that links it to the mighty WWW.
So, we all are hooked in, but who uses what?
(assumptions based on my experience and Nick's Software sites traffic, impressions)
Google tends to attract more skeptical individuals that search a lot until they decide where to buy from.
Yahoo still has more conservators users, Yahoo's loyal and somehow older, which also search less until they buy things.
Bing powers Yahoo now and it will bring the change for old Yahoo - Bing has a new breed of users - the skeptics that dislike Google and want a different search experience.
So, it's damn important to get your business listed on the big WWW and also you want it placed as high as possible in BIG 3's SERP (Search Engine Return Page).
Once you are there, you want your business to be visited and get thousands of potential customers, but actually who gets the traffic?
It's definitely a step forward to have a Site, Blog, and Social Media presence for your Business, but to get the traffic you need to AIM for PAGE # 1 in SERP of BIG 3's.
How much traffic Google's Page # 1 gets?
Let's start saying ... a lot .... almost everyone gets the info from first page, which by default has 10 organic results displayed on it .
Very rare, we adventure exploring Page 2, Page 3, Page 4 ... of SERP and even if we do, probably we do it for research purposes and NOT to buy something.
If you want your services to be bought .... you need to be on PAGE # 1 of SERP for all your most important keywords.
Page # 1 gets 90-95% of the traffic; the other pages get only impressions and NO CLICKS.
It's true that Page Page 1 in Google, by example, gets all the cream and based on stats the Top 10 traffic split would be (example below is based on my experience and my websites stats):
Get the first spot on the first page in Google SEPR for your important key phrases and you will get between 35% and 60% of the clicks from a particular key traffic - percentage may depends on your particular niche.
Second spot is not bad either, it will give you 10-20% of the clicks and number 3 wins at least 10%.
In almost all the niches, from forth place onwards you will get less than 10% of the clicks and the drop is more linear than for the first three positions.
If you have any other interesting stats about this subject please share / comment.
Source by Nick Niculita
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